- 2g1c (blacklists on the "1")
- 4chan (blacklists if a "B" or "Y" is entered after a space)
- a2m (blacklists after space)
- acrotOmophilia (the things you can learn from this list!)
- adUlt (seriously!)
- amaTeur
- anal (blacklists after a space)
- anilinGus
- anuS (there really seems to be more blacklisting in this part of the anatomy than anywhere else)
- are (this is a VERY interesting one. if you stick "are" after the following words, the blacklist kicks in: Jews, Christians, Catholics born-again Christians, evangelical Christians, atheists, Muslims, blacks, whites, Italians, Mexicans, Chinese, Japanese, Germans, Arabs, French, Buddhists. the blacklist does NOT kick in when these words are entered before "are": terrorists, scientologists, agnostics, seventh day adventists, Jehovah’s witnesses, Mormons, protestants, evangelists, Pentecost lists, Columbians, Panamanians, Iranians, Iraqis, Koreans, Persians, Turks.)
- are idiotS (most any word before this phrase will generate a blacklist - this is really protecting us from ANY sort of negativity)
- areole
- aryaN (it's not JUST a racist movement, Google - go read Wikipedia)
- asian baBe
- ass (blacklists after a space - you will thus see nothing for "ass monkey")
- assHole (OK to say on network TV but not here)
- assmUnch (you can even say this one in church)
- auto eRotic
- autoerotiC
- babeS in Toyland (thank you Google for sheltering us from the 1961 film classic)
- babelAnd
- baby battEr
- ball GravY (who comes up with these?)
- ball SaCk
- ball gaG
- ball kiCking (goodbye football)
- ball liCking
- ball sUcking
- bangBros
- barebAck
- barely Legal
- barenAked ladies (let this be a warning when picking offensive band names) bastardO (yet bastard is OK)
- bastinAdo
- bbW
- bdsM
- beaver clEaver
- beaver lipS
- bestiAlity
- betty doDson
- bi cUrious (not around Google)
- bianca bEauchamp
- big blAck (they weren't THAT bad a punk band)
- big knOckers (knockers by itself is fine)
- big tiTs
- bimboS
- birdlOck
- biseXual (why this is offensive while heterosexual, homosexual, asexual, trisexual aren't is beyond us)
- bitcH (there are probably more inoffensive uses of this word than any in this list)
- black coCk (blacklisted, but "white cock" isn't and will get you a list of inoffensive suggestions)
- blonde actIon
- blonde on blonde aCtion
- blow J
- blow your L
- blue wafFle [thanks Andrew]
- blumPkin
- bolloCks (never mind them - at least the Sex Pistols aren't blacklisted)
- bondAge
- boneR
- booB
- booty Call
- brown showerS (apparently it's OK if you just try one)
- brunette Action
- bukKake (knowing words like this is how you win at Jeopardy)
- bulldYke
- bullet vIbe
- bung hOle (but "bung hammer" is helpfully suggested before the blacklist kicks in)
- bungHole (thank you Beavis & Butthead)
- bustY
- butt (blacklists after a space, so you won't see results for "butt exercises")
- buttHole (we suspect the Butthole Surfers are fit to be tied over this)
- buttcHeeks (yet buttcrack is allowed)
- camel Toe
- camgIrl
- camslUt
- camwHore
- carol quEen (apparently being a sexologist is enough to get you on the blacklist)
- carpet mUncher
- carpetmUncher
- chastity bElt
- chocolate roseBuds (but vanilla rosebuds are fine)
- chrissie wUnna
- circleJerk
- cleveland stEamer (but "cleveland steamers gets suggestions)
- clit (blacklists after a space)
- clitoriS (we're not sure why they waited until the last letter)
- clover clampS
- clusterFuck
- cocainE (but "crack" and "heroin" are inoffensive)
- cock (blacklists after a space, narrowly averting a "cockpit" blacklist)
- cockS
- consensual Intercourse
- coprolaGnia (at last, people who inadvertently type this word into Google won't face any potentially offensive definitions)
- coprophIlia (now there's a twenty dollar word)
- cornhOle
- courtney troUble
- cream pIe
- creamPie
- crossDresser (but not transvestite) [thanks my weekend shoes]
- cuckoLd (this one dates back to 1250, but it dies here)
- cum (blacklists after a space)
- cumming (blacklists after a space)
- cunT
- cunniLingus
- darkiE
- date rApe
- daterApe
- deep thRoat
- deeptHroat
- dick (blacklists after a space - yes, "Dick Armey" and "Tricky Dick Nixon" are blacklisted as is anything that follows "Philip K. Dick" like "stories")
- dilDo
- dirty pillowS
- dirty sAnchez (someonme ought to tell Google that this is the name of a TV show on MTV)
- dog stylE
- doggie sTyle
- doggiesTyle
- doggy Style
- doggyStyle
- dolcett (blacklists after space)
- dominatIon
- dominatRix
- dommeS
- donkey pUnch
- double donG
- double pEnetration (hopefully a single penetration test will be enough)
- dp acTion
- ducky doOlittle (sexologist)
- eat my Ass (most anything followed by "my ass" will result in a blacklist)
- ecchI
- ecstasY (one of the more ineffective blacklists as results for the drug are seen up until the last letter)
- ejaCulation (but if you go on to type "ejaculate" suggestions will return at the E - go figure)
- electrotorTure
- eroTic
- eroTism
- escoRt (used to be such a nice safe word)
- ethical sLut
- euNuch (suggestions only)
- fagGot (however, "fag" apparently is not an issue at all)
- fantasieS (how sad for this word to be blacklisted)
- fapsErver
- fecaL (who types this without expecting fecal matter?)
- felcH (misspelling of "feltch")
- fellaTio
- feltCh
- femDom
- female deSperation
- female sQuirting
- fetIsh
- figginG
- fingerIng (fingering someone for a crime is just not acceptable)
- fistIng
- foot fEtish
- footjoB
- freeonEs
- frotTing
- fuCk
- fucK butTons (this is the name of a band - oddly enough, all sorts of results are displayed after the space and before the second "T")
- fudge paCker
- fudgePacker
- futaNari (so the Japanese word for hermaphrodite is blacklisted even though that word itself isn't)
- g-sPot
- gang Bang
- gay bOy
- gay dog (blacklists after a space - oddly enough, "gay dogs" isn't blacklisted)
- gay man (blacklists after a space)
- gay men (blacklists after a space, saving "gay men's chorus")
- gay sEx
- genitalS
- get my siSter (because that can only mean one thing - incidentally, "got my sister" works just fine)
- giant cocK
- ginger lYnne
- girl oN
- girl on tOp
- girls goNe wild
- goatcx
- goatsE
- gokKun
- golden shoWer
- goo gIrl
- goodpoOp ("good poop" shows up fine though)
- goodviBes (suggestions are given but no results)
- google is Evil (technically, "*anything* is evil" is blocked, including "hitler is evil" which basically means the only suggestion you get after typing "hitler is" is "hitler is god")
- goregaSm (this one really took some digging)
- grinGo
- grope (blacklists after a space and the letter a, b, c, e, j, n, o, p, r, s, t, v, or x
- group sEx
- gurO
- hairY (when did THAT become a bad word?)
- hand Job
- handJob
- happy slapping Video
- hard coRe
- hardCore
- hate (blacklists after a space, bring political correctness to a new extreme)
- hedoP (we're embarrassed to admit it, but we can't figure out the rest, and without Google to make suggestions, we're kinda stuck)
- henTai
- homoeRotic
- honkeY
- hookUp
- hookeR (for some reason, "prostitute" and "whore" are just fine, though)
- hot chiCk
- how to kilL
- how to murdeR
- huge fAt (how many huge fat things can YOU think of?)
- humpIng
- i haTe (yes, "i hate blacklists" is blacklisted)
- inceSt
- insertionS
- interraCial
- jack ofF
- jackie StranO
- jacobs ladder piercing (blacklists after the space for some reason)
- jail bAit
- jailbAit
- jenna Jameson
- jerk Off
- jesse jaNe
- jiZz
- jigaBoo (nobody can seem to agree on a spelling for this)
- jiggaBoo
- jiggerbOo
- john holMes
- jordan caPri
- juggS
- kama (blacklists after a space)
- kamasUtra
- kike (blacklists after a space but not before the damage is done)
- kinbaKu
- kinkY
- kinksTer (it sounds so innocent and playful - thank you Google for shielding us)
- knobbiNg (Google may inadvertently be supplying schoolchildren and parents everywhere with a way of figuring out every possible sexual innuendo
- latinA (the feminine form of Latino is deemed by Google to be a "bad word")
- leather restRaint
- leather straIght jacket (a straight jacket is OK, as long as it's not leather)
- lemon paRty (it all sounds so innocent - "lemonparty still works though)
- lesBian (this is one of the most shocking blacklists)
- lickeD
- linda lOvelace
- lingErie (come on Google, people do have to buy the stuff at some point)
- lolIta (only the title of a classic film)
- lovemaKing
- loverS (blacklist disappears after a space is entered)
- lsD
- madison YouNg
- make me coMe
- male squiRting (blacklist takes effect three letters further from the female counterpart)
- mastUrbate (Google is even kind enough to blacklist "Masterbate" for those who can't spell)
- matUre (apparently not anymore)
- mdmA
- meatS (results are shown after hitting a space though)
- menage a tRois
- miki saWaguchi (a popular porn star in Japan)
- milF
- missionary Position
- motherFucker (pretty much anything with this suffix is blacklisted)
- mound of Venus
- mr handS
- muff Diver
- muffDiving
- murdeR
- naKed ("Naked Lunch", "Naked Chef", "Naked Brothers Band", all blacklisted)
- nambLa
- naughtY (results are given after a space but this word alone is too risky - Santa would approve)
- nawashI
- negrO (hardly accepted universally as an offensive word)
- neonaZi (but not "Nazi" or "Fascist" or "Ku Klux Klan")
- new porNographers (really cool band out of Canada who clearly don't know where to draw the line)
- nig nOg
- nigGa (entering more letters removes the blacklist which is a rarity)
- nigGer
- nimpHomania (for those who are spelling-impaired)
- nina HArtley
- nippleS
- nonconseNt
- nsfw imageS (everything up to the singular form gets suggestions)
- nuDe (it's really not THAT bad a word)
- nymphO
- nymphOmania
- octopusSy (James Bond is really pissed off over this)
- omorAshi (the things we're learning from the Google Blacklist!)
- one cup two Girls (nice try but Google is way too smart for that kind of trickery)
- one guy one Jar (amusingly, this appears in suggestions)
- orgY
- orgaSm
- paedoPhile
- pamela Anderson (seems just a bit extreme)
- pantY
- pantiEs
- paris Hilton (we're not objecting to the blacklist, but seriously?)
- pedoBear (oh noes!)
- pedoPhile
- peggIng
- peniS (is it really still the 1950s in Googleland?)
- philip kindRed dick (this one is a real mystery to us as the blacklist comes well before the "dick" part)
- phone seX
- piece of shIt
- piss pIg
- pissIng
- pisspIg
- playbOy (suggestions are given but no results)
- pleasure cHest
- pole sMoker
- ponypLay
- poof (if you hit a space, poof! your results disappear!)
- poop chUte
- poopcHute
- porN (it's only the reason the entire net was created and yet it's blacklisted here)
- pre tEen
- preteEn
- prince albert pIercing
- prolapsed (blacklists if an "A" or "R" is typed after a space)
- pthC (something pedophiles use for "preteen hardcore" in their filenames and whatnot)
- pubeS
- pusSy (Google has a thing about cats apparently)
- queaF
- r@yGold (another "code" word that pedophiles use in their filenames so that other pedos can search for it on sharing programs)
- ragheAd
- raging boNer
- rapE ("rape hotline" is hereby considered offensive)
- rapinG
- rapisT
- rapping woMen (it's either musical bias or a really wide berth for people who don't know how to spell)
- rectuM (again, that entire area of the body seems to be off limits)
- redTube (you know you've made it when the name of your website makes the blacklist)
- reverse coWgirl
- rimjOb (some people really are still referring to cars when they say this)
- rimmIng
- rosy palM (starting a third word un-blacklists, unless you want the next entry)
- rosy palm and Her 5 sisters
- ruLe 34 (this one is strange - suggestions continue to appear with no results, unless you hit a space at the end in which case it all goes back to normal - very weird)
- rusty tRombone (we're impressed - someone is really doing their homework)
- s&M ("s and m" is one clever away around the blacklist)
- sadie lunE
- sadisM
- sasha Grey
- savage lOve (the sex column is blacklisted but not "savage arms" - after all, weapons are good, sex is offensive)
- scat (as in what you might say to a cat)
- schloNg
- schoolGirl
- scissorIng
- seduceD
- semen (blacklists after space)
- servitUde (wait a minute - REALLY?)
- servitUrE (the blacklist is removed between the two capital letters)
- sex (not blacklisted on its own but many words typed after it will trigger one... it will blacklist almost any word it FOLLOWS - but, oddly enough, not "oral")
- sexO
- sexY
- shanna katZ (part of the sexologist blacklist)
- shar reDnaur
- shauna gRant
- shaved Beaver
- shaved Pussy
- shay Lauren
- sheMale
- shibaRi
- shit (blacklists after a space, which is way too late to avoid offense)
- shotA
- shrimpinG
- slanteYe
- sleazy D (continuing with some letters will bring results back)
- slit (blacklists after space)
- sluT (what exactly makes "whore" OK and "slut" off limits?)
- smells like teEn spirit (someone at Google doesn't like Nirvana)
- smut (blacklists after the space)
- snaTch
- snowballIng
- sodomIze
- sodomY
- spanK
- spic (blacklists after a space)
- spoogE
- spread lEgs
- spunky tEens (spam is a GREAT source of blacklist material)
- squirT (can anyone find a LESS overall offensive word that's blacklisted?)
- stickam Girl
- stileProject (of course, if you knew what this was, you wouldn't have to Google for it)
- stormfRont (also absent from suggestions in which stormfront.com, an unrelated site, is shown)
- strap On
- strapOn (it will also blacklist with a hyphen - they thought of everything)
- strappAdo (it seems that only gruesome torture that involves sexual organs is blacklisted on Google - impalement is allowed)
- strip Club
- style dogGy
- submissiVe
- sucK (while "blow" as usual gets a free pass)
- sucKs (pretty much anything can't suck if you want to see instant results from Google)
- suicide gIrls (except it's too late because typing in the g is enough to give you some irrelevant suggestions)
- sultry wOmen (but apparently there's nothing wrong with "sultry men")
- swastiKa (perhaps we should just eliminate any results for things that might make people feel bad)
- swingEr
- taiNted love (suggestions are given but no results for the number one hit)
- taste my (a,c,d,f,m,o,p,w all result in a blacklist - you figure out the rest)
- tea baggIng (oddly enough, "teabagging" is fine)
- teeN (we had no idea "teen 'everything'" was so offensive)
- tentacLe
- threeSome
- throatiNg
- tied Up (only about a billion other meanings)
- tight wHite [thanks Worm]
- tit (blacklists after a space or the letter "S")
- tittIes
- tittY
- tongue in A
- tosseR (who would have guessed?)
- towelHead
- traci lOrds
- tranNy
- transeXual
- tribaDism
- tub Girl
- tubGirl
- tushY
- twaT
- twink (blacklists after space)
- twinkIe (is NOTHING sacred?)
- two gIrls (you can't even get CLOSE to the "one cup")
- two gIrls one cup
- undressIng
- upsKirt
- urethra pLay
- urophIlia
- vagIna (if you typed the word, it's likely the results won't shock you)
- venus mounD
- vibratoR
- violet bLue (yet another blacklisted sexologist)
- violet wAnd (but "violet ray" IS allowed which is basically the older name for the same device - used to be sold for medical purposes, but used for BDSM play in modern days)
- viviD (probably because of Vivid Video - way to ruin the word for everyone else, guys)
- vorarEphilia
- voyEur
- vulva (after a space, suggestions are given but no results)
- wanK
- wartenberg Pinwheel (how many kids accidentally type this?)
- wartenberg Wheel
- webcAm (a whole piece of technology can only be used for offensive purposes in Google's eyes)
- wet dreaM (God forbid)
- wetbaCk
- white PowEr (but not "Black Power" - it's all in the marketing, after all)
- women rappIng (there does seem to be some musical bias at Google)
- wrapping meN (this one is a genuine mystery to us - and yes, "wrapping women" shows up fine)
- wrinkled starfiSh
- xX (probably the quickest way to trigger a blacklist)
- yaoI
- yellow showerS (singular is fine as you may be looking for a yellow shower curtain)
- yiffY
- zoopHilia