Paul XXX is flabbergasted at his tax return... and then realised that he didn't work completely full-time last financial year. Hello heaps of money!
Nigel XXXXX As a teacher, you are entitled to the low income rebate. LOW INCOME rebate. Low. Income. This means we don't get paid much. Fuck all really, considering the importance of our job, the hours we work, the responsibility we carry, the degrees we require and the shit we go through to do it. One more time: LOW INCOME REBATE. Feel better now?
Kylie XXXXX nice! Im hoping im the same since i was on mat leave for some of it!
Itsas Ecret Nigel, you could say that about a lot of professions. Although I must say your statement is misleading:
The Low Income Tax Offset (LITO) is a tax rebate for individuals on lower incomes. From 1 July 2009 it provides individuals earning l...ess than $30,000 with a tax rebate of $1,350. The full offset is reduced by 4c for every dollar of taxable income above $30,000, meaning incomes greater than $63,750 do not receive any benefit.[4] The LITO creates an effective tax-free threshold of $15,000 for low income earners.
This means even people on what are considered reasonable/average incomes would receive at least a partial rebate.
Nigel XXXXX Thanks Itsas (if that is your real name) you have managed to interpret the letter, but not spirit of what I am saying. Teachers get paid very little for what they do. I would prefer not to have the low-income rebate, I would like to think t...hat my job is regarded highly enough that the remuneration would reflect that.
My statement is misleading, deliberately so. It's on a wall on Facebook
Itsas Ecret Hi Nigel, I I think it's possible to be factual but also make your point at the same time.
Nigel XXXXX Which bit is not factual? The (comparatively) low wages part or the shit we go through part? Perhaps you would prefer that teachers worked voluntarily? Now THAT's misleading and making my point simultaneously :)
Itsas Ecret What I'm saying is you don't need to mislead people to make a point. If your view is valid, then there is no need to do so. Although I am curious, how much do you think teachers should be paid?
Nigel XXXXX Again, can you refer me to the specifically misleading part? I am eligible for the Low Income rebate; I am responsible for the upbringing of juveniles and planning, creating, writing and assessing their education and suitability to enter the workforce. I work a minimum 50 hours a week and have the equivalent of 2 degrees and must have a spotless police record. As to what I would like to be paid. I am unsure what is the equivalent rate of pay for a similarly qualified public servant, with equal responsibilities and the same amount of overtime? An unqualified producer at the ABC would get 75K per annum first year (although that would require different experience/qualifications)
Itsas Ecret The misleading part is that by stating that because teachers get the Low Income Rebate, this would suggest, without discussing the specifics of the rebate, that teachers are dirt poor. At any rate, you admit that your statement is delibera...tely misleading, and you intended it to be misleading, you said so yourself in the comment that you wrote to me.
You know yourself that while you work minimum 50 hours a week during the semester/terms, you also get periods where, while you still need to do some work (ie prepare for next years classes etc), it definitely does not equate to 50 hrs a week. How do I know you ask? Well both my mum and sister are both teachers, so I've got a pretty good idea of what's involved. Quoting that alone as justification is a weak argument, especially considering nearly everyone across all sectors are working longer and longer hours. While I don't denigrate teachers as a general rule, I could point to a million studies that show how well a student performs is ultimately down to cultural capital; what goes on at home and parent involvement. When I think about it, I don't even agree with primary school/high school as an institution, I think it is a horridly inefficient. Kids would be better off being home schooled one on one (assuming that whoever teaching them has half a brain).
Honestly I don't think it's the workload that's the stressful part of your job, it's the little arseholes that you effectively have to babysit, now THAT is stressful.
That aside, everybody wants to get paid more, and mostly everybody probably deserves it, apart from the fatcat executives. So while I don't disagree with you, I'm also inclined to say, join the queue, we are all underpaid and overworked!
Nigel XXXXX I teach 3 Media classes, English, Geography and Food Tech, not Economics, so it would be inappropriate to discuss the specifics of Income Tax Law, as I simply don't give a shit about legal waffle. I still stand by my original statement - As a teacher, you are entitled to the low income rebate. How that is interpreted is purely up to the reader. Without discussing the specifics I would have thought that this implies that teachers are poorly paid. As you say everybody wants to get paid more. I do feel however, that the qualifications, responsibilities and workloads of teachers are not remunerated in a comparable manner to other government (or private) employees. I took a pay cut to be a teacher. I am an awesome teacher. How long I decide to remain an awesome teacher, before I decide to become a crap teacher and just do the bare minimum for shit money is entirely unpredictable.
The statement where I claimed to be misleading is "Perhaps you would prefer that teachers worked voluntarily?" However, you chose to ignore that and then went on to write several hundred words of circular nonsense with no bearing or relation to the point of the argument. Your Mum and sisters are teachers. Awesome, mine are nurses; this does not give me an insight into treating road trauma cases. It does make me realise that they are underpaid.
My post was in response to Paul being happy that he got a big tax return. It was intended as a sarcastic bit of rib poking between work colleagues. I don't know you or your relationship to Paul, but I can spot a troll a mile away.
Itsas Ecret Name calling on facebook is very unbecoming, and I hope you don't add students to your facebook so that they may see first hand your conduct. I simply make the point that using the Low Income Rebate as evidence that teachers are low paid is misleading, considering a large majority of the population receives it on average salaries, at least in part. That is what I pointed out, and you seem to have reacted by flying off the handle. Strange.
Nigel XXXXX Do not feed the trolls.
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