Many people around the world believe in some sort of deity. Many in this country, including people I would call friends, believe in God and Jesus, either Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterians or Anglican (that I know of). Others I know believe in Allah and Mohammad, others are Buddhists and I have some Jewish friends, a Taoist and several that would call themselves agnostics, others atheists. My views? They are a little strange, but I prefer to keep them to myself.
I don't think it's anyone else's business. I certainly don't go around insisting people believe what I believe, act the way I act, enjoy the books, films or music I like or dress to my approval. I may make fun of you if you don't, but in a gentle, lighthearted manner. Unless you wear Ed Hardy or leggings as pants - then you are a fucking idiot and should not be allowed out in public.
Our potential Prime Minister, Tony Abbott has come out and said that bible study and Christianity should be taught in schools. "I think it would be impossible to have a good general education without at least some serious familiarity with the Bible and with the teachings of Christianity." Fine. It is right now. At private schools where parents send their kids for a religious education. But in public schools? No.
Lets make sure that they also have a grounding in all the major religions then. And some of the smaller ones too. And atheism to balance out that education. Lets make sure that Science, Maths, History, Languages and most importantly Media is compulsory before that.
One thing that makes this country so freaking awesome to live in is that we do not have a religion force upon us by the government. We are free to choose, or not to as we see fit. The last thing we want is a government telling us what to do on moral or religious grounds, like say Iran or the Taliban for example. Apparently all the right wingers have problems with people acting like them, so they act like them to stop them from acting like they do. In the end the Westboro FUCKWITS are more religious than anyone else.
If you worship your God. Great. All the more power to you. Please keep it to yourselves or at the most your children. Stop telling me that what I watch is wrong. That my 15 years living with my girlfriend without being married is a sin, that oh fuck it. Just stop interfering with other peoples lives based on morals. Morals are personal and I'm pretty sure you don't want me to be the worlds moral arbiter as much as I don't want Tony Abbott being mine.
where's the like button? Matt